evolosophy/grad school Endings end. Beginnings begin. Life meanders.
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Dare I Say It?
Publish: 2024-07-31 18:43:49
Categories: life

Well, it's Wednesday. The elevator? Monday afternoon it was fixed.

I told myself yesterday morning to get that U-haul scheduled for the third (and last?) time. But I didn't. I went for a walk, bought a gyro, and ate it at the park.

This morning, I sat and watched the Olympics. "Reserve that U-haul" I kept telling myself.

Finally, at 2pm, I got my ass on the computer and reserved a storage pod and a truck for this Friday.

Honestly, between the elevator, my fucking back, the arguments about the elevator with my landlord, and kind of everything else, I kinda feel like the wind is out of my sails. The "mmph" in the upcoming move isn't quite there right now.

But it's coming, and it's time to get going. I'm not optimistic about my back, but I also don't think it's injured. I think I'm just sore as fucking hell. I hope that's the case.

I'll be leaving after Aug 1st as well. Originally, I had planned on a slow, casual road trip with a little camping along the way. I think it's going to have to be a bit quicker now. I need to find a place to live still, so I probably should step it up a bit.

Anyway, that's the update. The move is coming. Hopefully a little energy is too. 😋

Let's see how the packing goes.

36 👀



one day. possibly.