evolosophy/grad school Endings end. Beginnings begin. Life meanders.
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Comments, Please!
Publish: 2024-03-24 18:49:00
Categories: blogging

So, Wordpress allowed for people to add comments to posts. Currently, my software doesn't (shit... currently my software doesn't do much of anything really).

If you're reading this blog, then I probably know you and I almost for sure care about you. 🙂 And if I care about you, then there's like a 30% chance I care about you're opinion. 😆 Hahaha... OK OK, there's like a 40% chance. But still, the point is... if you're reading my blog and want to comment, please do. Really, please do. Text me or whatever and share, I'd love to hear it.

In the future, I will get some sort of comment system because I know some of you will never text. 🙂

But yeah... eventually I'll get shit working. Until then, don't stay quiet!!

13 👀



one day. possibly.